
BitlyがQRコード生成のEgoditor GmbHを買収

Hi there,

Last week, we were extremely excited to announce that QR Code Generator had been acquired by Bitly Inc, the world’s largest platform for shortening, branding, sharing, and analyzing URL links. This move expands Bitly’s position as a global Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company with +330,000 paying customers and +5 million monthly active users!

What This Means for You
With this acquisition and the recent private beta release of Link Launchpad, our link in bio product, Bitly is building the three pillars of what we are calling the Customer Connections Platform, an all-in-one link management, QR code and link-in-bio platform.

The Customer Connections Platform will empower people, brands and businesses of all sizes like you to engage customers anywhere at scale and millions of people to connect with digital experiences. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting platform.

How You Can Take Advantage Right Now
Learn more about how QR Code Generator can help you create memorable campaigns with trackable QR codes—designed by you. Test drive the platform as part of a 14-day free trial and discover how QR Code Generator and Bitly can help you connect with your customers.

Toby Gabriner,
CEO of Bitly

Bitly の CEO からメールが来たぜ

14-day free trial の文字が目に入ったので興味が失せましたが、ページを見てみると QR Code Generator の方の Features:Customize landing pages, such as V-Cards without coding とあって、気になるところ

More Coming Soon! との事で、Stay tuned だそう


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