グーグルがPlayストアからロシア国営メディアアプリを削除、EU禁止措置が迫るなか | TechCrunch Japan
昨日も読んだんだけど、該当部分のメモも兼ねてWe are moving swiftly to take new steps to reduce the exposure of Russian state propaganda, as well to ensure our own platforms do not inadvertently fund these operations. In accordance with the EU’s recent decision, the Microsoft Start platform (including MSN.com) will not display any state-sponsored RT and Sputnik content. We are removing RT news apps from our Windows app store and further de-ranking these sites’ search results on Bing so that it will only return RT and Sputnik links when a user clearly intends to navigate to those pages. Finally, we are banning all advertisements from RT and Sputnik across our ad network and will not place any ads from our ad network on these sites.
Digital technology and the war in Ukraine - Microsoft On the Issues (Feb 28, 2022)
Sputnik は結構好きなので気になるところ
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